Monday, 31 January 2011

Looking at Student Films

The opening is original and unlike other horror openings. They have followed the generic conventions of a horror making it easier for the audience to establish its genre. The titles are used correctly and are there for the correct amount of time and also very clear and easy to see.
Within the text the camera angles were uneven, and several panning shots were clearly filmed handheld, and are ‘shaky’.
Fade to blacks are used which establishes a film trailer approach, and it comes to a closed narrative, when should be displayed as open.
The non-diegetic sound in the background (Cars) ruins the scene, when the female antagonist is speaking diegetic dialogue.
The storyline was to complex and was hard to follow.
Although the titles are used correctly, I feel the change in size was unnecessary and to improve this I throughout the opening all titles should be consistant throughout.
The costume choice was contradicting the character, as clearly from the opening she intends to kill and has killed, so a red t-shirt would be more appropiate. The character seems to be obessed with someone she loves, however this can be seen as a split personaly as well as being innnocent which links with the colour of her top however as she kills the female protagonist and the blood spilt on her top it contraticts the clothing worn.
A lack of continuity which also highlighted that it was very similar to a trailer.
The length of time that the shot of the first female protagonist shown is too short to establish hat she was doing, to improve this perhaps leave it for another 0.4 seconds. 

Student Film 2

The non-diegetic voice over was effective and built up the tension.
The first female protagonist is shown in a negative lense, immediatley grabbing the audiences attention, I think that this is a great first shot to start the opening with. I feel the choice of clothing works, it connotes innocence.
The voice over was cut short, I think that to improve the non diegetic sound could have been faded before we see the female protagonist.
A lack of continuity which also highlighted that it was very similar to a trailer.
It ended on a closed narrative when should have ended on an open. To elaborate this further, the opening feels like a short film it has a beggining middle and an end, although the generic conventions suited te genre, i feel this could be improved.

Student Film 3

Out of the three texts, I thought this one met the criteria by creating an opening scene leaving it on an open narrative rather than a closed.
(One bad apple productions) This contrasted with the genre of the film, which made the text un-effective.
The female protagonist in the car was smiling in the two shot, so it lost its feel and was very unrealistic and unbelievable.
The wind screen wipers, changed position throughout the text which was un-effective and was not very realistic therefore discontinious.
The establishing shot was left for too long boring the audience watching, I feel that to improve they should have shortened it. The opening shot was unclear as the protagonists in the car were unclear and hard for the audience watching to establish what was going on.  The natural lighting created an orange tinge to the frame, however the sun is unavoidable. When the male protagonist answers the phone, I feel his tone of voice was innapropriate, also the phone did not ring therefore it was unclear as to why he picked up the phone. The pan that followed him to the door was unsteady.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

This link is to the opening scene to 'Catch me if you can'. (2002)
Catch me if you can.

- Drama
- Action
You can tell this as the editing is fast pace, and the animated characters engaging in chasing, for example running after each other and car chases.

- Detective
- Criminal
- Pointed out by an arrow

The characters are represented clear in the opening by animation as they clear show a detective and a criminal being chased round different area's. The main characters are shown via an animated arrow, highlighting to audience these characters are of importance and are the main characters.

- Suspicious

- Mystery
Mystery is highlighted to the audience, as the frequent costume changes and setting changes and the costant chase, creates mystery. Also the suspicous astmosphere as you are suspicious as to what is going on wondering what happens.

- Airport
'yellow cabs'
Via the airport, hospital and yellow 'cab' you are able to establish that the film is set in america.

- Tension
- 1960's feel

The non- diegetic music is jazzy which gives a sense of ergency. The use of wind instruments and some percussion creates tension, and becomes very mischievous.

- Tells the storyline
- Use of iconography
- Hiding and Chasing

- Title near the beginning of the opening which distinquishes one of the major differences between an opening and a trailer.

This link is the opening of 'My best friends wedding'. (1997)

My Best Friends Wedding.

- Romantic Comedy
- The colour pink!

Romantic comedy (rom-com). The humourous 'mickey take' towards marraige.

- Something is going to go wrong.
- Wedding
- Friends

- Bride
- Bridesmaids
- Groom
As there is a bride you asume that there is a groom. The bridesmades show the 'friends'.

- Light
- Happy
- Feminine
- Musical

- Love
- Happiness
- Wedding
The use of pink suggests love, and the wedding dress and bridesmaids show the theme of marriage and romance.

- Studio (micky take so not appropriate for a church)
- Wedding Preparations
As the opening would be disrespectful in a church they chose a studio, as they show a humourous view on marraige.

- The music giving instruction on how to treat a man
The diegetic sound, 'Wishing and Hopin' is instructions on how to keep 'your man' which tells the audience there is something bound to go wrong.

- Handwritten font (maybe like an invitation)
- Julia Roberts (Box Office Appeal)

The qualities found in a trailor, are to reveal snippets of what happens in the film andd also to grab the audiences attention by showing climaxes that appear during the film to draw the audience in using the hyperdermic needle theory to attrack the audience to view the film in the cinema or to buy of dvd. Also a trailor can highlight the actors within the trailor attracting those who follow and like to watch certain actors films that they star in.

The opening of a film is to establish the actors and those who have contributed to make the film i.e Directors, Producers, Directors of photography, Costume, Sound etc. The opening should also show the institutional logo's. The opening should capture the audiences attention revealing characters and inticing the audience to want to view more. The opening should end on an opening narrative not revealing too much and appearing to be a short story, the opening should have scope to develop.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Analysing the difference between a film opening and a film trailer.

This link is the trailer to the film, Casino Royale (2006)
Gambling, Love, Fighting, Drama, Criminal, Spy
Suspicious, Tense, Romantic, Fear of the unknown
Orchestra, Gunshots, Explosions, High Pitch, Fast Tempo, James Bond theme tune
Love, Fear, Spy
Spy, Love interest, Damsel in distress, Criminal, Boss,
The films Istitution revealed at the begining of the trailer, MGM and Columbia, at 0.28-0.30. The title of the film is revealed at the end of the trailer 2.27.
This is a big difference to an opening of a film as the title is always revealed at the end of the trailer where as in the the opening it is revealed at the begining, in the opening to Casino Royale it is shown at 0.16.

This link is the opening to the film ,Casino Royale (2006)
-Action, spy
-Tells the storyline.
-Fighting Gambling
-Hearts,diamonds, spades and clubs
-High pitch
-Fast tempo
-The poduction names
-Main character (box office appeal)
- James Bond film
- The films title ( Casino Royale 2006)
- Cast and credits (0.06-3.15)

This difference between, the trailer and the opening is the credits which is a key factor in telling the difference between the two. In the trailer there are not many credits and the institution was shown later on, whereas in the opening, the title and institution was shown at the begining.
In the trailer blackouts are used which is also a distinctive factor as they are used as tranistions to show various parts of the film. Trailers also reveal the story in a short amount of time, however the opening reveals the film, but through animation not clips from the film.