Wednesday 2 February 2011

Analysing the Genre of Film Openings


This Link is to the opening of 'Se7en' (1995)


Analysing the mise-en-scene within the text, connates the opening of 'se7en' (1995)to be a horror. 'se7en'(1995) being a modern day horror. The characters being introduced to the audience appears to be the 'criminal'.
The mood within the text, is dark and sinister and connotes a misterious atmosphere surrounding to alleged 'criminal'.

When the antagonist is sorting through photo's of dead victims and shaving the fingerprints of their fingertips, connates death and also organised crime, this helps establish that 'se7en' is a horror.
The generic conventions of this clip from the outset signify that 'se7en' is a horror.
The males hands first seen flicking through a book could be recognised to either a protagonist or and antagonist. This creates an element of mystery to the open of the film.
It is unclear whether each set of hands are one character or a completley different character although both sets of hands appear to males. The actors names appearing after each piece of text is shown also help establish that the main characters are male. As the opening develops it becomes more apaarent that the  character is an antagonist. As a viewer I think that the set out of how the characters are introduced are clever, as it does not reveal much of the characters but allows you to see what they are seeing through the Point Of View shot (POV).

As an audience viewer the music helps to build the tension aswell as the text shown. From a viewers perspective it makes feel uncomfortable and hard to watch. The pace is slow and as the shot is 'POV' it increases the dark sinster astmosphere as the male protagonist shaves of his skin from his fingers.

Te use of photography and research into the suspects within the text, connote the criminal to be in a room of some sort of warehouse/dark room.
The setting is unclear

The non-diegetic repetative and both low and high pitch noises, this connotes mystery as it could signify repetitive murders in the film. The creaking in the non-diegetic background music creates an eerie feel to the text being shown, making the text emphaisised, and hard to watch. The non diegetic sound is consistant all the way through there is no sudden change in music. Nearer the end of the titles, the music increases in pace, although the footage is slow, over the pace increases.

The opening ends on an open narrative.

New Line Cinema Presents: Institution Logo :00.03-00.05
Title: Actors: 00.13- unclear as the director etc are not clear as they are not named.
Title: 00.24-00.28

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