Monday 28 February 2011

Analysing openings from my chosen Genre

I chose to analyse 'Bad day at black rock' (1955) as it is an old film and wanted to see the contrast between old and modern day Physiological thrillers openings. I found that analyzing an opening at a time where they did not have the technology we did today gave me and my group a chance to explore different ways of planning our opening.

I watched up to 2.20, as that is the length of time that we have to roughly produce for our opening.

On my research on this film, it was established that it was a Physiological Thriller, however watching it based on  the opening it was unclear, from a perspective of an audience member I would have placed the film under a Western genre.

No characters were established during the first 1minute and 20seconds when the titles ended, although there were many what appeared to be male protagonists, although their character backgrounds and why they were there was unclear. All appeared to be wearing similar costumes, i.e 'Cow boy hats' 'Boots' 'Shirts' and 'Trousers' again connoting a Western genre.

The atmosphere is fast paced and relatively light hearted and considered 'easy viewing'.

The opening is set in a desert, and also at a train station.

The non-diegetic sound is light hearted and easy to listen to, it flows with the train fitting the light hearted setting and characters.

It has an open narrative as is it has no scope as to what the plot develops into.

Institution: MGM
Actors names appear after 20seconds.
Title appears at 28 seconds.
The titles are shown fast paced, which fits with the non-diegetic background music and the pace of the train.

This is the opening to 'Rear Window' (1945) I chose to analyze this as I wanted to research into various openings including those from the 1940's to see a vast range of options and idea's that we could incorporate into my film opening. I did want to just look at modern day films as I wanted to show a contrast between modern day and older Psychological Thrillers.

The first male protagonist is shown through a close up, this can imply to the audience viewing that he is the main character. The protagonist has sweat on his face and looks as though he has poor hygiene connoting that his is lower class. The second male protagonist shown is wearing a white vest which is a stereotypical view of a middle age lower class 'blue collar worker'. The lack of hygiene and self image connotes that the male is uncomfortable financially Also the male is seen to have shaving cream on his face, connoting that he is then going to shave his face, the media show middle aged 'blue collar workers' to be unclean and have a bad self image the male protagonist fit in with the stereotype well. It razor cuts to a couple waking from a mattress on the balcony again showing the characters to be lower class and in a poor living interior environment although sleeping outside. The camera then pans over to a female protagonist putting on her bra, this is shown through the male gaze theory (Laura Mulvey).The female is slim and blonde and pretty again a stereotypical view of a sexy women in the media.

The atmosphere is built up by the non-diegetic background music. The sound track develops a mysterious atmosphere as it changes specifically as each characters are introduced. The atmosphere is fast paced and light hearted (easy viewing).

The main and only setting in the opening are a block of flats each with their own balcony. However the flats are not luxurious and are not in great condition connoting that each character shown and again as I mentioned earlier not comfortable financially. Through the use of pathetic fallacy the grey sky connotes the setting in a negative light.

As the non-diegetic music progressed the music reveals insight into the characters. When the first male protagonist is introduced the pitch lowered and became repetitive connoting mystery. When the second male protagonist is shown the diegetic sound of the radio plays 'Are you over 40? Do you wake up in the morning and feel tired and run down and have that listless feeling...' the male protagonist changes the radio station which connotes he is unable to accept his age and how he is physically and chooses to ignore his image and lifestyle. The non-diegetic music when the female protagonist is introduced become more high pitched and seductive connoting the women to be sexy. The music if listened carefully is vaguely similar to a whistle again connoting the female to be sexy.

It has an open narrative as is it has no scope as to what the plot develops into.

Institutions : Universal and Paramount, these institutions show that the film is mainstream.
The actors names start to appear at 0.27 the main actor 'James Stewart' first.
The title comes in at 0.30
The non-diegetic sound begins after the second institutional logo.

Through research into other openings both from modern day and in previous years from 1945 onwards, the development of pyschological thrillers has devloped greatly by revealing more in the opening. I feel that this has prgoessed as technology has advanced. However I also feel that the films from 1945 onwards, they have more of an open narrative than others, although not as gripping for the audience, it leaves a better result at the end of the film.

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