Friday 28 October 2011

Resit - Evaluation and Conventions of titles for Psychologial Thrillers

Fatal Attraction (1987)
The opening titles, are clearly written in the centre of the frame with block text with a white colour font, which fades in and out on a black background.

Memento (2000)
The opening titles are in the centre of the frame with block text coloured blue, clearly written over the of the text, fading in and out.

6The 6th Sense(1999)

The opening titles are in the centre of the frame with block text style font coloured blue, placed on a black back ground clearly. The text fades in and out.

From viewing the opening titles from three different psychological thriller films, I have discovered that it is a generic convention for the text to be; capital letters and block style font in the centre of the frame. The text also fades in and out, so I will follow this by including all these into the opening of my film. By doing this I will be following a generic convention of a psychological thriller.  By viewing these three films, the text has been placed over the image or on a black background, in my film I shall be placing the text over film.

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